Exclusive Discounts:
As a member, you gain access to special discounts that are not available to the general public. These exclusive offers ensure that you always get the best value for your money, making your shopping experience both enjoyable and economical.
Unique Price Reductions:
Enjoy significant price reductions on a variety of selected items. These unique reductions are tailored specifically for our members, providing you with additional savings on top of already attractive prices.
Multi-Brand Access:
Your membership is valid across all brands under the Justus Group umbrella. This means you can take advantage of exclusive member benefits and offers at any of our associated brands, enhancing your shopping convenience and variety.
Earn Points:
With every purchase, you earn points that can be accumulated and redeemed for future rewards. This loyalty program ensures that every time you shop, you are not only getting great products but also building up rewards for future use, adding even more value to your membership.
This app has helped thousands of users meet their needs quickly and efficiently. Join those who have experienced its benefits.
Justus Group is a restaurant industry company founded in 2005 headquartered in Bandung, Indonesia. With a strong commitment to quality and innovation, Justus Group, managed under the auspices of PT. Yuditama Mandiri, boasts 5 main brands: Justus Steak House, Asian Grill Express, Justus Burger & Steak, Hawker Ragam Masakan Indonesia, and Tempayan Indonesian Bistro.